L'Artisane is back at Afrodyssée this year.
Less than one month before Afrodyssee will open its doors! The perfect time to unveil for you some behind-the-scene details about this 7th edition.


This year Rwandan artist Cyubahiro will be in charge of creating the soundtrack for the fashion show. Cyubahiro has been working as DJ since 2011 and performs as a core member of the collective “Patate Douce” at renowned Swiss festivals as Montreux Jazz, Paléo, the Gurten, or abroad, as for example the Afro Nation festival in Portugal.
True lover of Amapiano music, Cyubahiro answers three questions:
Your first memory of music linked to Africa?
My mother and my sisters dancing to Congolese rhumba (I'm 3 years old).
Why do you think Amapiano is the most beautiful music for dancing?
Because Amapiano is able to move your heart and soul.
A sound that we will find during this year's fashion show?

Model from the age of 15 to 30, while leading a career in administration,
Bidour Zakaria returns to his first love by joining the fashion show team. Born from a South Sudanese mother and North Sudanese father, she will bring her extensive experience to organizing backstage and managing models for this 7th edition of Afrodyssée. She forms the new fashion show team with Santiago Andrade, Tiziana Loschi and Enzo Mlechiorre.

Here is the official selection of designers participating
in Afrodyssée 2024, from May 31 to June 2, 2024:
TALKS 2024
Saturday June 1st at 2pm
«Creativity and Sustainability: Upcycling as a tool for change in Africa»
This year, Afrodyssée is highlighting the theme of Upcycling on the African continent, as part of its mission to promote sustainable initiatives and positive actions in favor of the environment. Africa is often quoted in simplistic speeches describing it as disinterested in preserving the environment.
Khadija Ba, designer, Senegal
Amah Ayivi, designer, Togo
Haram Sidibé, textile expert, Mali
Eddy Ekete, artist, Congo RDC
Ramata Diallo, fashion consultant

Buy your ticket for our next edition.
Give some of your time to experience Afrodyssée from the inside and support African creation
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